Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14


We enjoy getting kids excited about Jesus and helping them build their faith using Bible stories, songs, group activities, and curriculums designed for kids ages 1 -12.

Kids are divided into three groups to best meet the needs of children in different stages of development.

Ages one through five

Children ages 1 through 5 can be dropped off in the classroom 10 minutes before service begins.

Ages six through nine

Children ages 6-9 will join their teachers in the classroom for their Sunday School lesson after worshiping together with their parents in the sanctuary.

Ages ten through twelve

Children ages 10-12 alternate weekly between staying in the sanctuary for the sermon and being in the classroom. This helps them begin the transition to our Impact Youth Ministry, (ages 13 and up), who remain in the sanctuary during the entire service.


Your child’s safety is our first priority. All Impact Church volunteers must pass a background check before they are allowed to serve in the Children’s Ministry.
On your first visit, we will require the following personal information: parent/legal guardian names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for each child.

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Sunday Mornings
