Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We enjoy leading children on an adventure, discovering a relationship with Jesus and building their faith exploring the Bible, jumping into group activities, and helping them dive into deeper knowledge of their identity in Christ.
Kids journey on three paths determined by age to explore in ways best suited for their different stages of development.

Children ages 1 through 5 can be dropped off in the classroom 10 minutes before service begins where they can camp out and explore easy to understand Bible stories and begin their journey of experiencing God's deep love for them!

Children ages 6-9 will be able to be guided to their classroom after worshiping with their parents in the sanctuary. They can then take new ground as they hike through engaging bible lessons, discussions that help them dive deeper in their knowledge and understanding of God, and activities that encourage exploration of what it means to allow Jesus to guide their path.

Children ages 10-12 alternate weekly between staying in the sanctuary for the sermon and being in the classroom. This helps them climb new heights in their knowledge of who God has called them to be, dig deeper into God's Word, and begin to take flight. This helps them learn to soar to higher levels of knowledge of who God is calling them to be before heading into new ground, where can jump into Impact Church's Youth Ministry.

Your child’s safety is our first priority. All Impact Church volunteers must pass a background check before they are allowed to serve in the Children’s Ministry.
On your first visit, we will require the following personal information: parent/legal guardian names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for each child.
On your first visit, we will require the following personal information: parent/legal guardian names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for each child.